What does it mean to be Twice Exceptional?

Twice exceptional children are identified as gifted children who have a learning disability such as ADHD, dyslexia, Asperger’s syndrome or autism spectrum disorder. Twice-exceptional children (also known as 2e’s) think and process the world and information differently. Twice exceptional children may also be highly sensitive.

Because of their often high levels of intelligence coupled with challenges in areas that are normal for their peers, these children struggle finding their way and fitting into most learning environments.

Most twice exceptional people…

  • are able to focus and become experts in areas of interest

  • exhibit behavior issues due to boredom

  • show superior problem solving and critical thinking skills

  • have challenges with reading and/or writing

  • exhibit highly sensitive traits (HSP)

  • struggle with perfectionism

  • are highly curious

  • struggle socially (particularly with same age peers)